Poems by Lauren

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  • Why do I feel like this?
    I always feel so confused...

  • Why is this so hard?
    What else can I do...

  • Tonight is just one more night,
    That I wake up crying...

  • I wish you could tell me,
    Exactly how you feel...

  • Why am I so scared?
    To let myself feel...

  • Why do I miss you?
    When you treated me so bad...

  • I don't understand,
    Why we always fight...

  • I can't believe we are here again,
    We're having another fight...

  • Why is this so hard?
    Why can't you see...

  • Today is just one more day,
    That I have to deal with my curse...

  • I hate you so much,
    You've made my heart ache...

  • It's early in the morning,
    And the sun's rays...