Quotes by hatingyouforever

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  • When you're in your room crying because he left just remember this, someone, somewhere, is crying becuase they aren't yours.

    17 years ago
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  • I wished upon a star and he turned out to be the wrong guy, do i get a redo?

    17 years ago
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  • He's one of those guys who flirts with you becasue he's your friend and knows you know it. It makes me sad knowing that it makes me want him more and more everyday.

    17 years ago
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  • He's the guy that all the girls i hate love and all the girls i hate get him. Y do i want him too?

    17 years ago
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  • She thinks that she is the worst girlfriend in the world but little does she know that he thinks she deserves someone better than him.

    17 years ago
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  • He flirted with me to make you jealous and it worked. Now i have to admit to you that he loves you and not me, tell you that we were just messing around, that your his girlfriend and i'm not. It kills me inside knowing that all i'm saying is true.

    17 years ago
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  • I look into your eyes everyday, studying every detail, memorizing the colors, the way you look at me, and at night when i can't fall alseep, i remember that gaze and try to find wat it means.

    17 years ago
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  • What does it mean when you go throught the quotes on everysite, sit and write all about him, and then read them over and over?

    17 years ago
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  • He moved away and i miss him so. I looked at the moon and called him, i said : "Look out your window, into the sky, what do you see?"
    "The moon"
    "See, we're not as far apart as you think."

    17 years ago
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  • She is the girlfriend who wears a lot of make up, sacrafices everything and everyone just to be with him, and he is the type of guy who doesn't call when they're apart, hangs out with the guys more then her, yet she loves him anyway.

    17 years ago
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