Quotes by Cathie

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  • Fear is what hold people back - it keeps people from living their dream and experience life to the fullest... Some say fear motivates, but the fear of falling is the only thing that makes people overcome the fear of precede.

    16 years ago
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  • You know you're getting old, when you got wrinkles around your eyes and you know how to keep a smiling face even when you want to surrender yourself to crying.

    You know you haven't grown up yet, when you still got funny sayings on your underwear...

    16 years ago
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  • For a long time i believed love was not real because it is a chemical balance in your brain that goes crazy.
    I made a set of rules and restrictions to keep me from getting hurt.
    Boy - did you prove me wrong!

    16 years ago
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  • Our greatest glory consist NOT in never falling,
    but in rising each time we fall...

    16 years ago
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  • ...Fighting for peace is like F-ing for virginity...

    15 years ago
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