Quotes by Bugg

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  • I've been drowning out your voice
    for so many years that I no longer
    hear you call my name...

    14 years ago
    0 0
  • If you don't tell her how you feel,
    she'll find some other guy that will
    tell her all the things that she
    wanted to hear from you.

    14 years ago
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  • You may need me there
    To carry all your weight
    But you're no burden I assure
    You tide me over
    With a warmth I'll not forget
    But I can only give you love

    14 years ago
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  • Most relationships tend to fail. Not because the absence of love. Love is always present. It's just that one was being loved too much and the other wasn't being loved enough

    14 years ago
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  • "Please don't go."
    I can't remeber why I didn't say it.
    I don't think it would've made a difference.
    But still, I really wish I would've just put it out there.

    14 years ago
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  • Quit protecting yourself. What are you hiding from? Life? Cause that's what you're missing out on. You may be safe, but you're not alive.

    14 years ago
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  • I'm laying in your bed and I can almost smell the scent of every different girl. You kiss me on the forehead as I fall asleep to someone else's perfume.

    14 years ago
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  • Cigarettes and innocence are scattered on the floor. It's the first October and the summer is gone. You can't walk away and try to claim that none of this was real. Sometimes autumn is confusing. I know exactly how you feel.

    14 years ago
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  • My head tells me to let him go,
    but my heart knows me the best;
    So I ignore the devil on my neck
    and listen to the angel in my chest

    14 years ago
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  • Why do we keep them? Under our beds, in the attic, in the back of some drawer. We could have thrown them out a thousand times, and yet there they are. Old love letters. Written to a person we no longer are, by a hand we no longer hold.

    14 years ago
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