Quotes by Mr. Darcy

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  • Without hope how would a broken heart ever mend?

    3 years ago
    10 1
  • Even a Silverback knows when it's beaten

    3 years ago
    6 1
  • Despite ourselves we walk into life's fire

    3 years ago
    9 1
  • eventually, even the parasites will perish

    3 years ago
    4 1
  • Love is like fruit, if we don't preserve it, it won't last us through the winter.

    3 years ago
    4 1
  • Love is, finding the annoying endearing and never really finding it annoying, anyway.

    5 years ago
    4 0
  • When life's too big, take a moment to concentrate on the small. Close your eyes:
    - bird song
    - aromas
    - textures
    - breaths

    Inner calm is with you, always.

    5 years ago
    4 0
  • We all need a little colour in our lives, but hey, if we shared it, we could paint the world.

    5 years ago
    7 0
  • It's true, that when you look for love it hides and when you don't it finds...

    5 years ago
    3 0
  • When on the sunniest days the darkests clouds are seen... show them a friendly smile or share a kind word, that'll help those clouds, to blow on by.

    5 years ago
    2 1