Quotes by Mr. Darcy

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  • Love is, finding the annoying endearing and never really finding it annoying, anyway.

    5 years ago
    4 0
  • Phlem floods voids where flowers once grew

    6 years ago
    3 0
  • If you want to learn first hand, ignore the voice of experience.

    7 years ago
    3 1
  • It's true, that when you look for love it hides and when you don't it finds...

    5 years ago
    3 0
  • K9, waiting for input...

    When you boil it down,
    No matter your intellect:

    "Biscuit, please, master"

    7 years ago
    3 0
  • When on the sunniest days the darkests clouds are seen... show them a friendly smile or share a kind word, that'll help those clouds, to blow on by.

    5 years ago
    2 1
  • opening eyes and hearts will close down the barriers that divide us

    6 years ago
    2 0
  • Beneath a heavy moon my heart cries for your return.

    6 years ago
    2 0
  • Unconditional love is on the horizon for us all. It's acheived when two souls merge their hearts, minds and caress each other's passions. When love flows freely, it grows easily.

    16 years ago
    2 0
  • After the rains have ebbed my endless love will flow for you.

    6 years ago
    2 0