Poems by Gonzo

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  • I..... can't Escape.
    Consumed..... by Hate...

  • Hello there, just come inside,
    So I can show you around my mind...

  • Memories of a friend, from so long ago,
    So many years, now you're more like a ghost...

  • Love and Hate, What do they mean?
    Are they much more, than they seem...

  • Music flowin' through my veins,
    Just reach out and cause some pain...

  • Who am I?
    Nothing more than I was last week...

  • He says he loves her,
    As he walks out the door...

  • The demons down inside of me,
    They eat my soul, won't let me be...

  • When you're down and blue,
    I'm the one you turn to...

  • Young prince, gentle and pure,
    This cruel world, He shall endure...