Quotes by Jose Emmanuel

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  • I lied that I would never love you for the rest of my life,The truth is I loved u from the first time I saw your face in front of my eyes, I was just afraid that you wouldn't love me too but now I finally have the courage to say "I love you".

    15 years ago
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  • The greatest mistake that I have ever made in my entire life was when the day I broke up with you and I let you go,now I'm starting to regret the things that I've done, because no other person comes close in loving me like you in the past.

    15 years ago
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  • Remembering the memories I had with you, I realized that one of those memories was when the first time I fell in love you and never will I erase that memory because you are the very first person I fell in love with.

    15 years ago
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  • Sometimes I wonder why can't life be a fairy tale because almost all of the fairy tales about love always end with a happy ending. Why does it have to be different in real life, why can't I have my happy ending with the one that I really love.

    15 years ago
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  • Each night it seems like there is always something missing, Everything that I do it always seems like there was something missing, when I suddenly saw your picture I realized I was you all along that was missing cause you weren't right beside me.

    15 years ago
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  • If you fall I will be the one to catch you
    If you need help I will help you
    If you think one loves you
    Come to me and know that the first time I saw you
    I already fell in love with you.

    15 years ago
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  • She says she cries at night and every time she is not with me, its killing her inside but why did she let me go when we had the chance to be finally be together for the rest of our lives.

    15 years ago
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