Quotes by Jose Emmanuel

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  • "There are 3 greatest days in your life. the day you were met your love, the day you finally won her heart against so many obstacles and the day that you die, with her by your side knowing that she still loves you till the end."

    15 years ago
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  • What hurts the most in loving you is that you don't return the love that I give to you instead you keep on looking for "hot" guys who won't even care about you or even love you, but I won't give up cause someday you will love me too.

    15 years ago
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  • The greatest and most beautiful prize of all that I could ever have is if I win you're heart nothing will ever top that cause for me the essence of my existence is your love without it, I could never possibly exist in this world.

    15 years ago
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  • If am given a choice if I would choose you but have a poor life or choose a life full of riches but without you, I would rather choose a poor life with you cause for me the only that matters is if I'm with you and live a happy life with you beside me.

    15 years ago
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  • They say we weren't meant to be together for the rest of our lives but how come that we still love and cherish each other for the past 4 years, the answer is because their opinions don't matter, whatever they say we'll still love each other forever.

    15 years ago
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  • You want me to prove that I really love you but the only proof I can give you is I held on to you even though you didn't care, I've waited even though you weren't coming, I loved you for so long even though you didn't notice.

    15 years ago
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  • Please don't leave me for you are the only remaining person that I truly care about and love fully in this miserable world of ours and if you leave it would result in my destruction cause without you I would have no reason to live.

    15 years ago
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  • Committing mistakes are nothing, regretting things are most often bearable, Loving you is not a mistake I can never regret that I love you because for me loving you is everything that matters especially to me in this world.

    15 years ago
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  • Living a world is a privilege, living a world in peace and harmony is a miracle but living in a world in peace and harmony especially with you by my side and loving me too is neither a privilege nor a miracle but a blessing.

    15 years ago
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  • Love is like a book you will never know what will happen to you and your love in the next page, and sometimes you turn to a page full of sadness but once you turn to the last page of a book it may end with something beautiful.

    15 years ago
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