Poems by smiley

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  • Love is the most beutiful thing in ur life
    Love is something you find...

  • The thing I do for ur love
    I risk my life for you...

  • Shiny butterfly is the most butterfly is the most...
    Shiny butterfly is the girl I love...

  • My love for ur pure I never knew how it felt be a...

  • This heart of my is so week
    All could do is cry and hide...

  • Why can't stop loving you why did I give you my...
    am losing my mind over you...

  • When first fell in love with you my heart erupt...

  • Bestfreinds are with you till the end
    Always protect you from the creature...

  • Cyber love is hard to tell if they truely love you...
    But if is true cryber love they will show you how...

  • Volcano are fire of the people
    The erupation is letting pain go...

  • Love forever is the best thing knowing someone is...

  • Cathlic most power full and rich religion
    Cathlic the empire of religion...