Poems by Joshua

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  • I have lived many years now I have seen many...
    I have seen so many hearts so full of life and joy...

  • What do you see when you look at the sky.
    White clouds, a deep blue sky maybe a plane or a...

  • Alas the dream that I live had changed to...
    I lose grip on the illusion of my dreams and awake...

  • There has always been times when
    All someone can do in a given...

  • A Soul (1)

    A soul is a broken strand of emotions strung...
    Without knowing how each other feels it leaves a...

  • There was once a boy who was lost in his house...
    He would lay for hours at night praying that...

  • Does you life really reach out to those in pain...
    Can the same hands that caused so much death...

  • Memories are the treasures that all of us keep...
    The mind has a land scape but to describe it takes...