Quotes by shewillbeloved

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  • I thought forever meant 'til the end of time and beyond. Now it means a few months, days, or weeks.

    14 years ago
    0 0
  • Me- i <3 cinderella. she was cool.
    him- u deserve to be her (:
    me- well then you can be the prince
    him- why??
    me- cuz he ends up with cinderellaa duhh =o and they call me the silly one...

    *real convo jjust happened*

    14 years ago
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  • I'm 14 years old. People may say, "You're 14 years old. You are way to young to have found love."
    I say back, "Really? Because I've found love. And trust me, I knew it was love. I just havn't found THE love yet."

    14 years ago
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