Poems by Emily

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  • Oh, It's hard to smile
    When I just want to cry...

  • We all get broken wings
    And its hard to fix and mend these things...

  • And I wish I could know
    How you feel about me...

  • It's always so hard for me
    To look into your eyes and see...

  • Maybe one day
    I'll see days that aren't so gray...

  • I don't understand why
    I do this every f-ing time...

  • I want to curl up in my bed
    Pesticides in my head...

  • When hearts are racing
    In your thoughts, your mind's pacing...

  • I don't know you
    But you helped me out when I felt blue...

  • It's hard for me to think
    Of the grass being green...

  • And your touch
    Is the one I need so much...

  • We never change...
    The biggest truth is to be revealed...