Poems by Merdy

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  • Unlike in the past, you had your eyes closed...

  • I would never aim at his head. It had been hit...

  • Ultimately, we are all dead men... I'm just trying...
    It was decided, I did not want to hang myself like...

  • The darkness outside was fathomless
    And the Pacific Ocean had become a nameless ocean...

  • A kerosene lantern stood beside the bed, giving...
    "Yes, Of course, okay...

  • When I was a child ans my mother and I stood...
    Later my eyes came to look like those of my...

  • Later, no matter what shock or terror I faced,
    I never blinked an eye...

  • One art deals with many forms of loss in my life...
    This is the Art of losing... It isn't hard to...

  • It was a small party in Danbury CT that I decided...
    I had woven many love stories about my life...

  • He had had a number of women but not one had...

  • Right now, he wished that there was someone by his...
    This person could only be "C&quot...

  • So I've killed the world
    An act so despicable I will never forget. Now that...