Poems by Mollie

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  • Friends for life,
    Friends forever...

  • I don't want to hurt feelings,
    But i know were this is going...

  • The sun is spinning us around,
    Spinning the time by...

  • This ravin feather i held in my hand,
    Sat so black as the night...

  • I feel like a seedling just waiting to grow,
    People look at me as if im still little...

  • I'v started so many poems about you,
    But none could describe what i feel for you...

  • Im going to put on my happy face,
    My head i acking...

  • Can you close your eyes and sit in a corner and...
    With lonlyness creeping at your feet...

  • I think my heart is gone,
    i feel nothing there at all...

  • It seems like were drifting apart
    But I don't want to be left...

  • I'm scared to death
    scared of the future...

  • Im waiting for a mirikal to bring you back to me
    but its betting hard to believe...