Poems by Alyssa

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  • So I'll hide behind a locked door, and pretend...
    I'll sit in the dark and cut my wrists and pretend...

  • Love is for losers
    Fall in love and you're an abuser...

  • Cryen myself to sleep night after night.
    I'm about ready to give up the fight...

  • Kiss my A** as I walk away.
    I dn't wanna hear your bullshit anymore...

  • I'm the Goddamn Devil, this job pleases me.
    I'm the Goddamn Devil, Satan if you please...

  • Shivers running up and down my back
    Fear surrounding me just like that...

  • Don't let the feelings show
    People can't know...

  • She screams and fights
    Saying theres no way this is all right...

  • Sitting on your lap, looking into your eyes.
    Wondering why I ever wanted to die...

  • If I run, will you follow?
    If I trip, will you break my fall...

  • I have finally changed
    A new story behind my name...

  • That thing, that moment when you kiss someone and...
    --This if from the movie Never Been Kissed. I...