Quotes by Never Yours

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  • She lingers where she is no longer wanted, leaves behind those who are willing to have her. Lets go when she should hold on and holds on to those who have long let her go.

    13 years ago
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  • Our paths were always meant to cross, but they were never meant to forever be intertwind.
    Like a child with and imagenary friend we weren't meant to last.
    Yet, knowing this doesn't stop me from loving you. It just makes it hurt worse.

    13 years ago
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  • The anguish I feel from never getting over u is painful.Yet, so dull compared to the pain I feel everytime I see HIM.He is who he is because of me, because of what I did.HE wears that cold mask, like clay,never to trust or love.Because of me.Because of u.

    13 years ago
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  • Every person comes into our lives for a reason. Each one brings something we must learn.
    I learned form you that trust, it's just an illusion.
    And love, it's just a four letter word. Used when convenient.

    13 years ago
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  • Part ONE:
    I don't really know how to feel any more. I knew this day would come eventually, when you'd find someone new. But I didn't realize when that day came I'd be hurt so bad. I'm the one that let you go,i'm the one that told you not to wait.

    13 years ago
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  • Part TWO:
    So I'll just pretend to be happy for her and for you. And hopefully one day these feelings I have for you will slowly fade away. Then I'll look back and remember..mistakes happen.

    13 years ago
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  • Our stories are different now.But,it's not easy to accept this simple truth,because at one time our stories were the same.Yet,accept it I must because it will never be that way again.

    13 years ago
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  • And all she can do is stand there,as his lips whisper thier sad goodbye to hers.He still loves her,but not enough to hold onto her.And she loves him,but only enough to make it hurt.Neither love the other enough to fight..

    12 years ago
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  • I've given into the memories.The ones that haunt and nag at the back of my mind.They take over like a sickness takes over the body.Running me down,making me toss and turn at nite.Because at night there is nothing for me to do but think about you.

    12 years ago
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  • I make mistakes,one was letting you in,another was trusting you.But my worst mistake was giving you a second chance.I should've known Time doesn't change a person's ways,it just changes their approach on things.

    12 years ago
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