Quotes by Serena

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  • Something about a best friend that says she will never leave you, never desert you, and when the time comes and she dosen't. You know that you have choosed someone that you will never find again.

    13 years ago
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  • Friends are forever. Friends last a lifetime. But a true friend would even be with you after you die, never leaving.

    13 years ago
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  • Don't you hate it when you think that everything is perfect and one little thing happens and nothing is the same anymore.

    12 years ago
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  • Its hard to hear, when your a child that you parents dont love each other anymore, that the never will again, and even with the chld knowing this...she knows that love is a hard thing to live by.

    12 years ago
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  • " We are just two strangers, living in a house together, raising kids, nothing more." Is what my dad said to me, about him and my mom's relationship....where has love gone? And will it ever come back to save my parents?

    12 years ago
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