Quotes by HisSecRetLoveR

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  • My friends all tell me it's just a crush, but I know it is so much more. Nothing can describe the feeling I get when you're around. I guess I'm thanking you for the pleasure you bring me now, as oppose to the pain I felt before you came around<3

    13 years ago
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  • If you don't like me, tell me. Don't lead me on and make me think you do. You say you don't wanna hurt me, well you're hurting me just by doing what you're doing. Honestly, you'll hurt me less if you just tell me...

    13 years ago
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  • If it's easy to get over a person, you really weren't in love with them. As much as you thought you were, you really werent... even if they did make you feel like you were walking on air</3

    13 years ago
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  • Sometimes I take a few seconds out of my day to just stop and think of you, and honestly, those few seconds just make my entire day<3

    13 years ago
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  • I honestly thought that you were the one for me but obviously I was wrong. You say your different but deep down, your just the same and I'm not looking for just anybody, I'm looking for my one in a million and obviously you're not him</3

    12 years ago
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  • Even though you say you don't wanna cry in front of him, sometimes it's okay to, cos you can show that idiot that you really did care

    12 years ago
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  • I lost count of how many times I said I was over you, but all I know is that none of those times did I ever really mean it

    12 years ago
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  • As much as I promised myself I would get over you, I know that when I really do see you again, I'm gonna melt into your arms as if nothing ever happened

    12 years ago
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  • It took me this long to realize that.. I'm really in love with you. You've changed my life for the better, even though we have been through many rough situations. Those situations really made me think, and right now, all I wanna do is be with you<3

    12 years ago
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  • I find it funny how you can say things to me and be so real about it, but when it comes down to it, you act as if no words were shared between us, and that just really makes me start to think if it's even worth it anymore...

    12 years ago
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