Quotes by ArtistrySoul

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  • Life is a work of art,
    how you paint it
    determines Life, Dreams
    and Memories

    Exploring life's secret garden
    as you close your eyes,
    to know true love is between
    my lips and yours

    12 years ago
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  • The reason why your love is colours its because its cold, but your heart isn't that's because its broken

    12 years ago
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  • If she says 'I don't deserve you', is this a fancy way of saying I cheated on you

    12 years ago
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  • The moon and stars speak to me at night,
    The sunrise speaks to me in the early morning,
    The clouds speak to me when the sun is at its highest,

    .............so why doesn't your heart speak to me

    12 years ago
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  • Some one once said,

    'would I rather be a boy and listen to other boys sing about sex or would I rather be a man and listen to other men sing about love'

    12 years ago
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  • Sadness is the new happiness
    real life hits you with watery eyes
    watch your step
    life never lets you
    have too much fun

    is it just the beginning or the end

    12 years ago
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  • Life is a work of art,
    how you paint it
    determines life, dreams
    and memories

    exploring life's secret garden
    as you close your eyes,
    to know true love lives on

    12 years ago
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  • If you didn't want to speak to me
    Just Say!

    If you don't want to love me
    Just Say!

    If you don't want to be my friend
    Just Say!

    If you didn't want me to cuddle you
    Just Say!

    Just be honest, don't go behind my
    back and sleep with him :''(

    12 years ago
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  • You light up the sky
    among the stars
    You make it shine
    by clearing these clouds

    but most of all,
    I love it when you
    whisper your kisses

    12 years ago
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  • True love is between
    my lips and yours,
    I hope you see things in
    your dreams,
    like I do in mine

    12 years ago
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