Quotes by poisoned tears

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  • People say "your so lazy and annoying why dont you get a job" but all i say is "truth is i do have a job its to annoy the hell out of you"

    11 years ago
    0 0
  • Waking up:cant i have 5 more minutes
    bus:why the fn hell is it late
    get to school:where r my friends
    class time:is the teacher here today
    end of day:YAY!!! INTERNET
    last day of term:yay now i can actually sleep
    first day:damn it not again

    10 years ago
    0 0
  • Friend: i would have slapped her in the face if she didnt have chips
    me: that b***h needed a good slap in tha face and her food stolen anyways

    10 years ago
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