Quotes by MissSideways

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  • Flowers. Chocolate. Movies. Cruises. Money. Restaurants. Jewellery. Clothes.

    Superficial Love.

    But all she wanted was his time.

    17 years ago
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  • I am small. I am breaking.
    There's not much of me to break, so I fade away to nothing, fast.

    17 years ago
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  • Our love is much like running down a hallway with no end in sight. I'm falling through infinity. We're going around in circles in search for an end, chasing something that never was, or will be, there.

    How much longer must we do this?

    17 years ago
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  • If you think I'm up for easy viewing, a pretty picture to feast your lustful eyes upon, a prize to call your own, a body to fulfil your fantasies, a chick but not a lady... then you can get right out of my life.

    17 years ago
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  • Open me up.
    Let your soft breeze flow through my skeleton.
    I am empty.
    You look right through me, the way they all do.

    For I am just a window.
    And that's all I'll ever be to you.

    17 years ago
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  • Don't read this wrong.
    I just wish for you to be happy.
    That is the only way I can wish for you right now.

    17 years ago
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  • You're always in my thoughts

    17 years ago
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  • Tears; the language of the soul.
    2 often is it misinterpreted that the language is redefined in a negative light; a foreign tongue no1 seems 2 understand. But its not supposed 2 b understood, its supposed 2 b felt.
    How very narrow minded we can be.

    17 years ago
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  • There was once a time in my life where I believed in love at first sight...

    But now I realise how foolish I was to forget that love is from the heart and the mind... Not the eye... That is lust.

    18 years ago
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