Poems by katie!

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  • Dust settling on the shelves of my mind
    Lost in a sweltering desert without you near my...

  • Twos company, threes a crowd
    Thats the motto, I here it loud...

  • When the tears begin to slip out from behind your...
    remember how many people love you with all their...

  • I'm tired of dying every day
    I'm tired of being in the way...

  • Reflecting, As I do so often, whilst listening to...
    On tape...

  • Once again today I found myself there in the...
    Sitting there, blood dripping from my legs and...

  • Everything is piling up
    I have messed my whole life up...

  • Slipping away now, I'm so sorry
    I want to hold on for you, I want to smile and...

  • Touch (2)

    Confused emotions, pumping adrenalin all through...
    As I touch your hand, longing for you with every...

  • Trust (2)

    Years have passed how the world has changed
    Nobody caring, as nobody is the same...

  • As I lay here dying
    Blood rushing from my head...

  • Underneath my bandage and the plasters on my arms
    Lies my cuts so deep, and all the scars that...