Poems by EyEs WiDe ShUt

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  • Even (1)

    Dry taste in my mouth on this dry summer night...

  • I wish so hard that I could be just like the one...
    But it doesn't seem to work though I'm trying...

  • ...and now i walk the beach alone
    looking back at where I've grown he can...

  • Were fading arn't we
    even though your right in front of me...

  • The scars are there to show me
    that nothing will ever change...

  • Is there a length of time u have to reach to feel...
    is there an answer to this question, does anyone...

  • Take one more hit,
    of this cigarette...

  • As i hold the razor to my wrist
    gripped tightly with a clenched fist...

  • How do you forget how to breath,
    how dose your heart forget how to beat...

  • You say you don't want to bring me down...
    but baby take a look around, I'm here with you...

  • How can you leave,
    and just like that its over...

  • A tragedy called life
    i grew up in a house, not home, 5 different...