writers block? how do you fight it?

  • Ashleigh Skye
    19 years ago

    I am currently suffering from what is know as writers block and Im not sure how to fight it. If anyone has any tips then can out please post them here... thanx a lot

  • Lushed
    19 years ago

    well i just carry a notbook around with me, and write phrases sometimes. and then i can look back on them later, and remember my feeling and write a poem about it.. well it works for me anyway

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    When I'm having a block, I try to not worry about... definitely don't try to force a poem. If you feel the need to write... then do what was mentioned above and just write down feelings and stuff...

    I have many different writing exercises I do... (whether I'm blocked or not)... one of them is a Word Web... and I've ended up getting ideas from doing this exercise.....

    Get a piece of paper and pick a word... (from the dictionary, a book, TVguide, Newspaper...or ask someone for a word...whatever you want)

    Write the word in the middle of the paper and draw 4-6 lines coming out from it... and write down any words that the first word makes you think of.... and then branch off from any or all of those words with 2 or 3 more words... and take each "thread" until you can't come up with anything,...or run out of room.... you are bound to come up with at least one idea when you do this....

  • Mustardhart
    19 years ago

    For me i do a couple of things i love doing most like, taking a lovely walk into the country, or play some good music, or play games (indoors or outdoors)
    ignore what i was doing for a time. If possible and depending on the time of day, a good sleep will suffice.
    Then like marie said; use your notebook, phrases you enjoy or like most and scribble anything that comes to mind. But, if you dont feel it coming dont force it ok.
    have fun and give it a kick!! HAND

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    Music helps me when I want some more inspiration. And when I am ultra tired at night, about to fall asleep. Words just come then.

    19 years ago

    I don't fight it. It wears off after a while and the ideas it blocked pour out in a crazed stream, which makes you appreciate them more.

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Read something....write random stuff until something comes to you.

  • Manda
    19 years ago

    Music. Friends. Other peoples Poems. New problems. New experiences. My thoughts. Otherwise I just have to suffer. Lol. x.X


  • BaybeBlew
    19 years ago

    Its all in your mind.

    Inspiration is something you create.
    Close your eyes

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    Ironically, I wrote a poem about it!

    ~Ciao Lipton

  • Jenn
    19 years ago

    When I have writters block, I usually go take a shower and clear my mind of all thoughts. I am a experienced writter, and am so into it. I could write till my hand falls off. Unless i have nothing to write about. But i'll get in the shower...n then BOOM outta no were itll come to me...if it doesnt i'll try doing other stuff to keep me occupied, and try to get my mind off writting for a bit, and even when i sleep, i get dreams or nightmares that will triger my writting skills.