Anyone who can help me, please do

  • Morgan
    16 years ago

    I'm not that great at writing poems. A lot of times I just can't think of something to write about, and I know you should really just let it come to you, but when something does, I just can't get it wrote down the way that I like it. When I read it out loud they usually sound stupid or something. Does anyone have any advice for me?

  • NuovoVesuvio
    16 years ago

    When you write poetry, it doesn't have to fit in with your conventional sense of the word.

    Here's one of my stanzas (censored):

    'It's likeBANGBANGSMASH; a constant barrage
    of bull****; bull**** from the everlasting,
    eternal source of bull****:
    The human gob.'

    Does that sounds like 'poetry' to you?

    What is poetic (I hope) about it, is the way that the stanza is so laboured, pounding, and just plain ugly. This reflects the meaning.

  • Mello193
    16 years ago

    Just let it come to u naturally. My life really seems to rymme so its not hard for me....but make your poems real and hey if its not perfect, change it...some times I have to change a stanza or two, most of my poems aren't done, that's why there all so short, no one says poems have to be done in one sitting...sometimes it can take a year or longer for just one poem...maybe you should try colaberations with someone...if you want to, ill help you... You can message me, if you further want my help ^^

  • Vix
    16 years ago

    There are lots of writing exercises which can help with this sort of thing.

    For example:

    (I was given this at university)

    'Ten Minute Spill'

    -Rita Dove

    Write a ten-line poem. The poem must include a proverb, adage, or familiar phrase (E.G. 'one foot in the grave', 'a stitch in time saves nine' etc) THAT YOU HAVE CHANGED IN SOME WAY, as well as using five of the following words:


    You have ten minutes.

    There are millions of these. Try searching the internet and discipline yourself to do one a day or something. This gets your mind in the right frame and is good practise. Don't worry if you don't produce a masterpiece first go. Keep writing. :)