Which of your poems is your most original piece?

  • Alex D
    16 years ago

    Which of your poems do you believe is your most original work? Whether it be in respect to imagery, rhyme scheme, theme, style? Post the title and the link I want to read them and comment ones that I like.

    I think my most original poem in respect to imagery is probably.
    "Death Led By A Seas**t Seductress"

    My most original in respect to theme would have to be
    "Rock, Paper, Scissors?" Put's a spin on the popular kids game that you've probably never thought of.

  • Nymphetamine
    16 years ago

    In reference to imagery I believe "Lilly in the Snow" and "Drug Induced Paradise" are my two most unique. Although others may disagree! Judge for yourself.

    I read both of your poems and found them indeed unique and different. I think I liked Rock, Paper, Scissors the best which I added to my favorites.

    Great work!

  • Lisa
    16 years ago

    I believe my most original work was a short story I had written on this site called an angel's reflection.Check it out and please tell me what you think and if u agree with my selection.

  • Nymphetamine
    16 years ago

    Bob, Absolutely AMAZING work.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Aztec Death

    it's on my featured list....
    only because it was a dream i actually had that i tihnk it is unique.

  • Oceansoul
    16 years ago


  • Anthony Duvalle
    16 years ago

    Tuesdays Coming, Did You Bring Your Jacket?

    and i think this is my most original becuz i wrote this to show that everyone has hate and pain in them and if u look its not hard to see


  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    16 years ago

    I'd say my style's what's most orignal about my overall writing ability.

    And since I say that, any of my poems (except maybe the really, really old ones) depict it. =].


  • TwistedAngel xx
    16 years ago

    Broken Wings

    In my featured list


  • Stephanie Naylor
    16 years ago

    Well i would have to say my On a date with death

    the title seems a little cliche

    but really it starts out in a church
    then in a sandbox
    the yards of neutred house
    trained dogs

    but the message is VERY hiddenn

    because i switch the words
    so it is a different person telling it
    by the end

    and i call the devil or death HE AND SHE
    to symbolize that everyone has something bad in

    them no matter wat, and tht
    everyone will die in time

  • Natalie
    16 years ago


  • Invited
    15 years ago

    My one on LOCKED- My Crime and Punishment