|x| Poetry From the Heart |x|

  • Manda
    19 years ago

    I felt like creating a discussion where Poets that write from their heart can discuss Poetry, or just drop a message. Do you write from deep inside you? From personal experiences? To express your different emotions? Or anything that includes deep though, and sentimental value? Is your Poetry priceless. It may mean nothing to others, yet it means so much to you? Well that is how I am. I love to write. Being 13 years old {as me} is far from easy. I've had emotional problems since I was eleven, and I've experienced a lot more than you'd expect someone who's {just turned} 13 to have experienced and felt. My Poems are deep, and sometimes they keep me from doing stupid things {like cutting}. My Friends can all relate to my Poetry, and vice versa. I have very few that I consider close friends, but those that I do have experienced a life very relivant to mine, there for we understand each others difficulties. I am just wondering why you write? And what things you write about? I like to hear from others, and just about any post can fit in on this topic. I just want to find some Poets who are similiar to me in their writing and/or personalities. I enjoy chit-chatting, so drop a note even if you think you don't fit in on this board.


  • Manda
    19 years ago

    Well thanks for Posting, seeing as no one else has posted. Lol. But it's nice that you write from the heart.

  • Nici
    19 years ago

    Sometimes I write poems that 'come from the heart' other times I just write for fun.

    I think that the beauty of being a poet is that you are able to write about whatever you want to and change between styles/topics all the time.
