
  • Alisha
    15 years ago

    Ok so i don't undertand i'm going to attend college and i want to be somebody. . . But i really messed up my high school years i know i didn't pay attention to much of my work and i decided i wanted to be a pharmasist but when i told my boyfriend if was like it all Depends on you high school years and i'm wonderin why should i even go to college if my future is dependant on my stupidity are an immature adolecent? Can i go to a university? Or will i be stuck being a no body cuz i messed up as a kid? So if everyone says that then i should just drop out cuz i'm not gna be able to become what i want to be. . .Or should i ignore everyone and just keep going

  • Jonathan
    15 years ago

    Pharmacy school is dependent on your college years, just like med and dental schools are. Go to a decent collge and do well. Also, be sure to do community service and try and stay connected to professors you like as they can write you letters for grad schools. You can do it, but by saying that you can't you are setting your own limits.

  • ShelbyLynne
    15 years ago

    My boyfriend had that same problem. He was in my high school till his junior year then got kicked out and transfered to another school. Then from there he dropped out, but he got his G.E.D. He was all worried that he wasnt going to get into college but he applied anyways. (He wants to be a doctor). Thankfully he got into a small community college.

    I think that you should try to do that too. Just try to get into a community college and work from there. And if you do well, transfer to a bigger school that specializes on your major. Just put your mind to the books, study hard, and show them that you want to be there! Have faith in yourself thats all you need!!!!

    Oh and good luck!! =)

  • A New Beginning
    15 years ago

    Its true. keep going on with what you want to do. even if you screwed around in high school. its still possible to make it, as long as you apply yourself now. You could always start off by taking a year or two at a community college. After that, if you wish, you can apply to a different and better college. That way, by the time you get to a better school, you will have down better grades and your basic classes that college requires.