
  • Christina
    14 years ago

    I just kinda need to vent. my mind is going crazy. my boyfriend is just starting college today. im only a junior so i still have 2 years of high school left. and its hard..him not being there all the time between classes, to eat lunch with. and too get a better image of my situation i go to a small school its like one long hallway so like we always saw each other..and now he's gone..and idk i feel lost. cheerleading takes over my life..and now i wont see him during the day its going to be so hard. i love him so much and i just hate knowing were going to be apart alot...:/

  • forevertobeart
    14 years ago

    I know this kind of thing is really hard, and I know some people who have broken down over it and their relationships withered away because of the fact that it was a long distance relationship, because the trust was gone, or just because college can change a person. I also know people who have made it through that first really tough year of college, and afterwards everything just fit, there were no more problems. It will all depend on how strong and serious your relationship is. Think of this: Do you want to go about the rest of your high school years feeling sick, worrying, and missing your man? Or do you want to just be a kid while you still can and enjoy the rest of your high school years?

  • Christina
    14 years ago

    I want to go through high school happy..which means i will find a way thro it. its only a couple years yes im still a kid in some ways and im going to have fun we both trust each'll just take time to get used to it...

  • Captivat3d
    14 years ago

    You guys just have to trust each other. You can't always have him by your side, you have to get use to it. Don't waste your highschool years on being sad. You should have fun and enjoy your time. You're still young, you still have a lot of things you need to experience. I'm 19 and I wish I could go back and start over. You don't want that feeling, you don't want to look back and wish you could do it again. So enjoy the time you have and hopefully, your boyfriend will too. Just text a lot and cherish the time you have. Good luck!

  • Christina
    14 years ago

    Thanks :]