Please help me!! Anyone with really good advice!! Need mature an

    14 years ago

    I have currently been married to my husband for 5 months now. We have a 3month old babygirl. So there is a lot at stake here. Back in September before we were married I was around 4 months pregnant. We lived together and he was being really irresponsible. He would stay out all night doing drugs and drinking. We would fight all the time. We were getting kicked out of our apartment. I moved out without telling him because it was our last night there and I was sick of his crap. That same night he went to Galveston and had sex with a prostitute. He just confessed this to me tonight. I'm having a lot of trouble dealing with this and my heart is completley broken. We were only seperated for 3DAYS!!!! Thats not love. I feel like he kept this from me to trap me into a marriage. We already have TONS of problems as it is and this just made things worse. He's been lieing about Galveston for a long time now and it took him to get shit faced drunk to tell me. I'm ready to pack my shit and leave. This is why I need some really good constructive advice. I've never been so upset that I cant cry but now I am. Please help me make a good decision. He keeps telling me that I dont have any STDs but how the hell do I know that now!?!

  • sibyllene
    14 years ago

    Wow, that's a lot of stuff going on. I can see how it's overwhelming. I don't have all the answers, but there are a few constructive things you can do.

    1. Get tested for STD's. You can do it at any clinic or Planned Parenthood. It might take a week or two for results, but this is at least one simple thing you can get taken care of and stop worrying about.

    2. If it was 6 months ago I would say "don't get married." But that's already happened. It sounds like you and your new husband have a LOT to work through. Before that, though, you need to focus on your baby. Infants need so much attention, and the chaos of your life with only hurt your baby. Do you have any family that you and your baby could stay with (or near) for a while? Your child needs stability and responsible care - that should be your first priority.

    3. Try to get some counseling. If you can't afford more expensive couple's therapy, talking to someone like a priest or pastor would help, even if you're not religious. Church leaders are trained to deal with helping people in their lives and relationships, and that's one of their big responsibilities. You two have a lot to work through, and you probably need someone on the outside to help you through it.

    4. If your husband is getting so drunk around the baby, it's not safe for him to live with you. Seriously.

    Instead of letting this overwhelm you, break it down into things you can do now. Just be sure to focus on getting your baby in a safe and healthy environment before anything else.

  • Tori Hicks
    14 years ago

    Think on this question:

    Do you want to raise your child in a home where their parents would be constantly fighting and on edge with each other? I'm not saying you are, but from what you're saying, it's not sounding like a good situation, especially with your husband partying all night.

    Look, for the first few years of my life, things were really tense with my parents, and I could tell, and it made things hard on me. I was already depressed by the time my parents split up when I was four years old. My dad cheated, and my mum was mad, and for a while, the focus had to be on their broken relationship instead of me and my baby brother. It's not good to raise a child around all that stuff.

    I'm not saying just to drop it all at once and not try at all to work it out. i think you definitely should give it a try, and see if you can make things better as a family. But if things can't change for you guys in six months, maybe see about leaving. I know splitting up is hard on a child too, trust me. But in the long run, if your child can be raised in a more peaceful environment, it'll be better for them.

    I hope you know I'm not trying to insult you or your husband's parenting skills, or anything like that. I'm just trying to use my experiences with my own family to tell you what I believe may help you.

    Best of luck. If you need anything, send me a message.

  • Steady Stereotype
    13 years ago

    If you don't know about having STDs, go and get it checked out.

    Secondly, while I have to admit that he lied to you during a small three day separation. I can also understand him not wanting to tell you. Maybe he was drunk and he wasn't thinking straight? If I were in his situation, I would likely be afraid of telling you because of the way you're reacting. I'd think you would freak out, run away and never trust me again (Which seems to be very close to the truth).

    I'm not on his side either, but I just feel maybe you should look at his side as well? However it is a difficult situation. >_<;;

    Best of luck, and all my love <3

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    13 years ago

    I know someone who went through the same thing as you...I know it is really hard to deal with but I think the best thing is what is best for your baby. It is not healthy for the baby to have parents fighting all the time to have a parent who is barely around. I think you should leave and I'm not saying never talk to the dad again because the baby is going to when it grows up see its dad. But I would leave for your health and the baby because being in a relationship like that is not healthy and I would get tested to be safe. My step dad used to cheat on my mom, my friends mom was cheated on several times and once a cheater always a cheater. You do not deserve a guy who will cheat on you and if he did it once he could do it again.