Am I trying too ha?

  • LittleMissReality
    13 years ago

    So my brother has talked about his coworker and I told him that we may know each other. So I started talking to him on facebook because we were friends on there. We realized how we knew each other. So we discussed that we needed to hang out and party again.
    Well last night my friends and I were waiting for people to show up and we said that we should invite him. So I got his number and everything and he couldn't make it. So him and I texted the whole night.. both being a little intoxicated. And I guess I told him what time I needed to wake up and he texted me at that time telling me to wake up.

    I'm just not sure what's going on... we didn't realy talk today... so I just don't get it or know what to do :)

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    Every time you come back here with, yet again, another boy "problem" it is more ridiculous than the last... You try too hard...

    After talking on Facebook and texting him for, what, a day or a week, after obviously not having seen or spoken to him for a long time, months or years even, what underlined message is it you think is there? It seems to me that, just like in all your previous posts and with all those other boys, you are easily smitten by even the smallest gestures of kindness and tend to try to make things move faster than they are. In other words, you try to rush, both yourself and the other person, into a relationship that isn't there or that isn't even that serious yet. You also typically exaggerate every significant detail. A simple friendly gesture, such as a text message telling you to wake up (that you'd asked for), to you is considered to be something more than just a gesture between two friends. Or because, God forbid, he didn't text you today, you think there's something amiss. This is cliche, but this quote would benefit you: "The world doesn't revolve around you."

    It doesn't seem that being "intoxicated" is anything new to you. In just about every previous post you've made it either begins with or ends with you drunk. I think you really need to acknowledge the pattern you have a habit of following.

  • chind
    13 years ago

    Its been one day, pretty sure you dont have to be messaging each other 24/7. lol

    just chilllll :)

  • Brenda
    13 years ago

    Maybe this is why the drinking age remains 21 in the states :|