i always write sad things... never happy... yet i feel happy whe

  • Matt Pyke
    19 years ago

    Ummm, I'm not so sure anyone can answer that question but yourself.

  • Elise
    19 years ago

    yea...me too

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Positive affirmation - say positive things, visualise positive things and sure enough you will attract positive energy - you get back times three what you give out :o) So be wise xoxo

  • liz
    19 years ago

    i feel the same way.i think its because thats your way of expressing how your feeling at the time wether your sad or depressed or just lonley.and to get out how you feel is making you happy . at least thats what i think!

  • zachok
    19 years ago

    i write sad ones all teh tiem like today i just wrote one but i am happy as heck its just how it is thats how your mind is used to writing your sub contious is thinking that way.. not all poems are how you feel

  • Angel16
    19 years ago

    you won't be able to write happy things until you feel happy...until then you wrire what you feel.

  • Mandy
    19 years ago

    maybe you shouldnt write about happy things if you're never happy. poems are there to express yourself and if your not happy how can you write a happy poem?

  • chloe.
    19 years ago

    The reason you feel happy when you are writing sad poems is because your relesing all your sadness out onto paper and getting out of you makeing you...happy.

  • Annie
    19 years ago

    It's healthy to have depressing and upsetting thoughts once in a while.