Depression of a teenage boy

  • Captain HC
    13 years ago

    Im feeling really depressed, and i dont wanna tell my family, i just got off of ADHD meds and i dont want on antidepresents. how can i hide the depression?

  • Captain HC
    13 years ago

    On nevermoind i was juist hungry.

  • Lost Innocence
    13 years ago

    Don't hide it....share it with someone....they will help

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    I'm confused by your last statement. Plenty of people have taken the time to respond to your post; to give you advise and ask you questions to better advise you. If you are seriously seeking advise, why blow it off?

    "[Oh] never[mind] i was [just] hungry."

    ^ Is this your way of attempting to hide your depression?

    As Britt said, hiding it, or attempting to, will only make it worse. It'll only build; accumulate, until it becomes unbearable.

  • Captain HC
    13 years ago

    Okay... i wont try to hide it but im not getting help

  • Dark Secrets
    13 years ago

    Like Elizabeth said your last post was confusing, I wasn't sure if you said that to stop people from bugging you, or because you were playing... I guessed that you were afraid of what people would say and wrote that to push them away from attacking you. I didn't reply because I thought that you needed time to think about it.

    As for the original topic; I don't recommend meds for any psychological illness or problem... I believe they only make things worse. I'm no expert of course, but that is my opinion. I think that if you want to stop taking your medication that you should... but gradually, and I do think you need to tell your parents. Do it in a way where your parents can support you emotionally and not where they think you might rebel and become worse. Share your feelings and express them with others, it helps get rid of depression. I suffered from depression for a while in my life, at first I was like you are now, I didn't want to tell anyone... then I started talking to my friends about it, it was really hard.. those days I would cry for hours non stop and then suddenly the crying stopped and I felt better. Sharing your feelings helps you move on. If you're afraid then talk to someone close to you, someone you know will not judge you. If you can't find someone write them down, draw them, sing, play music, but get your feelings out. Pay attention to yourself, your likes your dislikes and do something you enjoy doing. Find your hobbies and activities you like to do and join a club or something that helps you use them. That will help a lot... I know it helped me.

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    Funny Girl, since when are you a therapist?

    I was clinically depressed for years. Medicated, unmedicated. I went to therapists and psychiatrists trying to treat me for severe clinical depression for nearly 5 years. I am a third year studying Psychology and your comment is cleary from someone completely ignorant to how various and serious depressions function.

    The OP has made several posts indicating depression. It's not a laughing matter. If you can't be respectful, don't bother posting. That goes for all of you.

    As for the OP, you should absolutely talk to someone. Maybe a professional. You know you shouldn't be hiding these feelings. You're not stupid.