I don't know why I feel like this..

  • girl
    13 years ago

    Nothing could happen at all, it could be a normal day, and at some point i'll find myself becoming upset. Not crying and getting over it upset, but laying in my bed not wanting to do anything crying my eyes out upset, over nothing. I don't understand why I am so sad all the time. It feels as if i'm incapable of being happy. I'll find happiness through out the day, through my friends, boyfriend, ect. but it is always short lived. I'd say I cry almost every day now. I don't know why I feel like this, has anyone else ever felt like this ? Is there anyway to get rid of this feeling ? I need help, its overwhelming, and it's controling my life.

  • Good Enough
    13 years ago

    I've felt like this before. You have to be strong. Get to the root of what is making you sad. Maybe family maybe friends. I don't know but its up to you to find out. And its up to you to be strong.

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    13 years ago

    Yes I have felt that way before...You have to just be strong and do what you can to get through it.

  • Dark Secrets
    13 years ago

    That is a phase I guess everyone goes through... there is a reason behind it, but we don't realize or see it, because we don't regard it as a problem. It bothers us but we can't see the reason because we fear that we might hurt others feelings. Usually this comes from the little things that bother us in life. Right now you need focus on your life and a goal you can follow. Think about yourself deeply and express your feelings through your hobbies.

  • girl
    13 years ago

    Thanks, I honestly didn't know that this was something a lot of people go through. Glad to know i'm normal lol. And If this is a phase I can't wait to grow out of it! :) lol thanks guys, had no idea who to talk to because I felt like no one else would understand.