The Beatles - Best Band of all Time

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    I decided to post this topic because I haven't seen it on here, and "The Beatles" are my favorite band. I believe they are the best band of all time.
    They honestly changed the world and the life of rock 'n' roll.

    To the fun part!!

    Tell me what your favorite songs by "The Beatles" are!!

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    I love love love the song "Fixing A Hole"

    I ecspecially love "Let It Be, Yellow Submarine, Hey Jude, Real Love, Come Together, Twist and Shout, Here Comes the Sun, Help!, Eleanor Rigby," ....and....oh dear, I'll just waste time if I name all of their songs, lol.

    Yes I admit, I love all of their songs(:
    I'm a Beatles addict, lol.

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    Lol, I grew up listening to "The Beatles"

    I was watching American Idol and it was "Beatles" night, so the people were all singing "Beatles" songs. I told my dad, "I think I've recognized all of these songs" and my dad replied, "In this house you better"


  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    Was never much of a Beatles fan. I liked songs by Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Who, Eric Clapton, Creedence Clearwater Revival and The Rolling Stones just to name a few.

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    I agree with Dave completely. I don't think anyone could ever recreate their songs, no matter how hard they try (:
    And I like "The Who", but I don't think they'll ever come close to comparing with "The Beatles"

    Just an opinion (:

    And I am prepared to argue if someone says "I hate 'The Beatles'"
    (: lol

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    If I had to pick the best band of all time it would be...

    That's a tough one, because I listen to a wide variety of music and think the bands/artists I enjoy listening to are just as equally good as the next. However, I'm sorry to tell you Hannah, but The Beatles are not on my list. :)

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    OKay Bob, I'm agreeing with Britt. I couldn't picture a biker man rocking out to the Beatles.

    As I said before, it's all an opinion, but you can't deny that the Bealtes were record setters.

    The most No. 1 albums in the US chart by a group is 19, by The Beatles. Their chart-topping tally is more than double the number of those held by Elvis Presley and The Rolling Stones, with nine. Their latest chart-topping album was aptly entitled 1 and was released in 2001.

    The Beatles have the greatest sales for any group. All-time sales have been estimated by EMI at over one billion discs and tapes to date. In 2001, they had been certified for album sales of 163.5 million in the US alone. The band has numerous other world records, including that for most recorded song - Lennon and McCartney's "Yesterday" had 1,600 versions recorded between 1965 and January 1, 1986. Also, their album titled 1, released on November 13, 2000, sold 13.5 million copies around the world in its first month, making it the fastest-selling album.

    The record for the most consecutive No. 1s in the UK charts is held by The Beatles, who had 11 hits in a row between 1963 and 1966 (from "From Me to You" through to "Yellow Submarine").

    The Beatles have enjoyed the most number one hits on the US singles chart. The group notched up 20 number one hits between 1964 and 1970.

    The group with the most platinum certificates is The Beatles, with 33. The band also holds the record for the most multiplatinum albums, with 13.

    Oh, and when I said I'm prepared to argue, I didn't mean on here...well, I did, but I'm not going to because it could get me into trouble (;

    Even though some of you may not like the Beatles, there is no denying that they were very, very loved and famous (:

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    "As I said before, it's all an opinion, but you can't deny that the Bealtes were record setters."

    "Even though some of you may not like the Beatles, there is no denying that they were very, very loved and famous"

    ^^ Haha, no ones arguing that at all, you don't need to stress on that.

    As you said, it's all an opinion. Your opinion is that The Beatles is the greatest band of all time. Mine is not the same as yours. Why try to argue with that? You could argue it until you're blue in the face, it doesn't make it any more or less true and doesn't mean people will change their minds. You seem to be trying very hard to convince people of this (with your use of facts and the media) when you said it's just an opinion. If that's the case, let everyone have their opinion, let them express it and leave it at that without saying "That's your opinion. Everyone's entitled to their opinion... But..." Get what I'm saying?

    And it doesn't matter to me how famous or record selling a band is or even how highly raved a band is by the media. I love both bands that are quite famous and record selling, underground bands and bands that are only locally known equally.


  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    Lol, Bob, I didn't say I didn't like those bands (:

    And Elizabeth, I know nobody is arguing, but I am very forthright, lol. I just....I'm an arguing type person, no matter how hard I try not to start an arguement, lol.

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    I would not march into Hell for the Beatles, even though I love them, lol.

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    )-: I feel sad... )-:

    lol (-:

    No, I do not suck! And nor do the Beatles (-:
    I believe it is you that sucks!!
    JK (-:

  • Kevin
    13 years ago

    I blame the beatles for boy bands.

    They had some good songs, I full credit for being the first band to put feedback from their amps on a recording, aside from that...


  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    Once again Dave, I'm agreeing with you. All the bands listed are great (:
    I also agree with the MEH thing!!
    How the hell did it start?!?!?!?

    But Kevin...I don't agree that the 'Beatles' are the cause for boy bands, lol.

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    Oh my goodness.... So, my state requires all students to take Speech. So, I took it. I am not and never will be afraid of talking in front of crowds.
    I have played piano in front of hundreds of people. I sing in front of crowds at church. I've been in lots of plays.
    So, I'm not people shy.

    For my final speech in Speech class, I did an informative speech...over the "Beatles" !!!

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    I'm just glad you admitted to that the "Beatles" didn't suck, haha.

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    Lol. The other day, we were at a Starbucks and there was this van...the window was down. I saw who was in it and was about to start screaming my ass off. There in the van was a man with long light brown hair and circular glasses.
    I started yelling to my Aunt, Uncle, and Dad "IT LOOKS LIKE JOHN LENNON! HE HAS THE HAIR AND JOHN LENNON GLASSES! OH MY GOSH!!"
    It was hilarious (:

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    Haha. Nooo...I WISH! Elvis is amazing (:

  • Mello193
    13 years ago

    Beatles! The Used, seether, nirvana. yes

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    Yeah! I've seen that you post a LOT about The Used...
    And my

  • Hallucinostic
    13 years ago

    Hey Bob, Hannah, maybe Elvis hasnt left the building yet, lol. and inside the van was Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Bonham and the rest of the guys. Theyre also waiting for Kurt Cobain. :D

  • Hallucinostic
    13 years ago

    Double post thingy! :D

  • H. Elizabeth
    12 years ago

    Hey, it wasn't JUST the Beatles who did drugs, lol.
    All hippies did! XD
    No offense Dib! CMS!

  • Hallucinostic
    12 years ago

    All is cool my friend. Drugs aint my bag, love is.
    CMS! :D

  • Decayed
    12 years ago

    LET IT BE is my fave

  • H. Elizabeth
    12 years ago

    Haha, yeah Dibby I know you ain't into drugs. Unless it's LOVE DRUGS! :D

    Let It Be is BEAST. But I LOVE all their songs!!!!
    Eleanor Rigby<3
    Yellow Submarine<3
    Octopus's Garden<3

    Ahhhh I have a Beatles shirt!!!!! And coffee mug!!!!!!! It seriously makes the coffee taste better ;D

  • Hallucinostic
    12 years ago

    Yup, the love drug, its a natural high, like being in an open field of green grass, just sitting there, like that. lol. :D

  • Decayed
    12 years ago

    Well I'm Arabian, and I don't know about American old singers.. But when I got to watch American Idol, I knew then about so many amazing old singers..

    The Beatles are awesome.. I don't like all their songs, but they really have amazing songs..