My mother and fiance's father may be hitting on each other...hel

  • DeathsRose
    13 years ago

    I don't know if I should say anything, but I think my mother may want to try something with my fiance's father. Well, I was sleeping over my fiance's house one night (he lives with his parents) and I heard my mother talking to my fiance's father in the kitchen (the rooms are right next to each other). She was like "I do like you, but you are married and I couldn't do that to your wife." See, my fiance's father has been married to his mother for almost 31 yrs and my mother has a b/f of about 1.5 yrs. Now I thought nothing of it as I really only saw it as a come-on from my fiance's father and seeing as how it sounded like my mother turned him down and everything seemed like normal...But the other day I was at my fiance's house in his room and I asked my mother (who was also there) to hand me something from the kitchen as seeing as how she was already in there. I even told her where the thing was. It would have taken her (no lie) 10 sec or less to get it and hand it to me, but after 30 sec of her not returning I figured she just didn't see it where I told her it was so I went to the kitchen to get it myself. As soon as I got in there I saw her and my fiance's father standing on the other side of the kitchen facing each other close enough that they could have kissed. It also looked like they could have been holding hands (but I'm not totally sure about that). When they saw me come in the room my mother imediately jumped back give a nurveous (sp?) laugh and quickly walk out of the room. I didn't say anything then either. I don't think they caught on that I know anything. I just don't know if I should say anything to either of them or what I would even say. I don't want to hurt anyone as seeing as how my mother and my fiance's mother are really close friends. I mean I don't want anyone's feelings hurt because everyone seems like thay are in such committed relationships (one being a long term marriage and the other one a long term relationship), but...

  • Dark Secrets
    13 years ago

    Hmmm, from what you just mentioned I think that it's a mutual thing. In any case they are both adults and they know what they're getting into. I'm guessing you're more concerned about how this would effect you and your fiance. In that case I think you should wait a while until you catch them really doing something, when you're 100 percent sure, then you should confront your mom. See things from her point of view, why she's doing this, why your fiance's dad is doing this and how things are with his wife. You can also get some information from your fiance about his mom and dads relationship, from there you can decide what to do about it. However, if and when you ask your fiance about his parents relationship don't make it seem like you are asking because of this, make it sound like you're concerned.

    I say that if your fiance's parents relationship is coming to an end and your mom and his dad are thinking of being involved because they're apart and have agreed on a divorce or to split and see others then you have nothing to worry about except for being there for your fiance. If they are doing this as a fling or cheating, then you need to talk to your mom about it, if she doesn't realize what she's doing you could let your fiance's dad know that you know, if not then you should talk to your fiance about it.

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    If it was my mom, I would confront her and make her realize she is selfishly putting multiple relationships at risk with her actions and if she respects you, herself, and anyone else involved, she needs to sack up and practice self control. Sexual attraction can be repressed if its consequences would sabotage the happiness of others.

    If she continues on this path, it will create resentment between you and your fiance, and between every other familial relationship in the household.

    If it was my mom, here is the system I would follow.
    Confrontation of the situation and ultimatum."I will never forgive you if you do this."

    I expect a lot from my loved ones. High moral codes. Maybe that's just me...

  • DeathsRose
    13 years ago

    My mother is good friends with my fiance's mom so sometimes sh stops by for a bit when I am there and sometimes when I am not. Also there seemed to be nothing wrong with my fiance's parents relationship because they've been married almost 31 yrs and they slways say they "love each other" and would never leave eachother because they are "happy". But now I just don't know. I guess I'll wait until I see something else that makes me 100% sure somethiing is up.

  • DeathsRose
    13 years ago

    Well they WERE good friends I thought...I don't think my mother took it too seriously I guess. If nothing more happens I'll leave it as is, but it ANYTHING else happens I will IMMEDIATELY talk to her.

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    Alright, sounds like you've got it under control. Just remember the awkwardness and guilt you'd feel confronting your mom cannot possibly outweigh the crap you could be preventing from unfurling.

  • DeathsRose
    13 years ago

    Yesh I totally understand thast and I am ready for the sh!t to basically hit the fan, but whatever needs to be done I guess.