Alternate suggestions?

  • Miss Lonely Teacher
    13 years ago

    So i've cut for about 4 years now. i stopped and have been "clean" since... end of October i think. i've been under alot of stress latly and tempted to start again.
    so i went to another not any healthier alternative: i've started to smoke just a bit at scattered times. i've been around smokers all my life so no one has noiced the smell seeing as i'm constantly by smoke.

    anyways. got any healthier or just less harmful alternative suggestions?

  • Miss Lonely Teacher
    13 years ago

    I've tried these things but unfortunatly many of them are difficult when you're broke and sick 80% of the time.
    and i do write, i have 3 huge boxes of notebooks and stories lol
    music: i started playing piano at school and i loved it and it got rid of every last problem while i was playing. but then my counsler decided to pull me out to do classes she should've had me do a year ago... sorry for ranting.

  • Dark Secrets
    13 years ago

    Why are you sick 80% of the time? Does it have to do with the smoking and cutting? or is it something genetic?

    It's good that you write. I'd say explore that part more and try sharing what you wrote, because three boxes is a good thing. Isn't there anything you'd like to publish from those boxes? If you do then try getting them published. You'll be occupied with publishing and all and you might gain some money where you can invest in something you like.

    Continue with the music and develop your talent in there... That is if you've stopped.

    Try socializing, especially that it's more convenient these days, you can use almost anything to communicate. Start a blog or online project and stick to it.

    Do you study or work? If you do try exceeding in them. If not, look for something you can do. If your sickness prevents you from doing anything physical, do something online or at home, start a business or join an online course. But don't get too occupied with these because they can take over your life and be careful of online courses because they could be frauds.

  • Miss Lonely Teacher
    13 years ago

    The sickness isn't because of the cutting or smoking. it's been going on since i was about 8 maybe. last year i had surgery which helped but i'm starting to feel like poop again.
    and i do have a few things i'm trying to get published but i don't much let others read what i write.
    and soon i will be preoccupied but it's taking a while, i'm going into the air force when i graduate but as for now we're trying to get things set.
    as for studying and exceeding, that would be my japanese but i don't have to study much at it oddly and everything else makes me frusterated lol

  • Dark Secrets
    13 years ago

    I see, how about socializing, friends and all. Do you hang out with your friends? Don't you have something you do every now and then with them or family members? Look for something special there and try occupying yourself there.

    Go out for walks, walking helps uplift your feelings and makes you feel energetic. If you can't walk for long or something because of your illness, just go into your backyard or garden (if you have one) and breath some fresh air, don't stay at home. You can try writing or drawing or getting to know your neighbors while your outside.

    If you can join a club or course for the time being do that. If you're not having your piano lessons find something you can join and join it. Whether it's cooking, writing, drawing, sports anything, just something to get your mind off things.

  • Miss Lonely Teacher
    13 years ago

    I feel really petty right now lol but the neighborhood i'm in i can't just walk around like i'd like to, and i take care of my 4 siblings alot for my parents. every weekened i go to my cousin's house( same age as me) and hang out with him, my older brother, and two other cousins then usually go to my friend's house from there till 6am lol that's about it for a social life sadly. i'm in an anime club at school though.
    even if i am preoccupied during the day,...from 10pm-3am i'm stuck with time to think. that's what's really wearing me thin, just thinking...

  • Dark Secrets
    13 years ago

    Aha, I see. You should've said that from the start. Everyone thinks and too much thinking (especially in things you worry about) is psychologically tiring. You can write down what you're thinking about. If it's something your curious about you can search for it online or call a friend to discuss the topic. If it's a situation, try working out a solution. And if it's something you want to do and are thinking about whether or not to do it weigh your chances and do it. But always write down your thoughts, it helps you organize them and deal with them better.

  • Shellaine shelli
    13 years ago

    I went through a really rough time in my life with addictions to cutting, drugs and a 9 year battle with anorexia and bulimia. Last year i went to rehab and it really tought me so much!! the thing is that whilst you may be able to control your addiction to smoking down it does come very addictive and people really battle to quit- and I'm sure you know all the health problems which come along wityh cutting.

    For me journaling really helps, i excercise a lot as well but when i journal its not always writing poetry, most of the time i just sit and write for hours just about anything that may be bothering me or if i have had some kind of set back. Then when I'm having a bad day in the future and i get that thought of "nothing could ever be this bad" I read my journal again and see just how much I have progressed with out even realising it.

    Another thing that helped me personally was helping others, doing charity work, being around animals (animals are amazing) do things that make you feel good about yourself!! treat yourself, say to having a massage done or something. just do things that make you feel good about yourself afterwards.

    And finally something which is probably one of the hardest, look at your life and look at the aspects which are causing you to be so depressed that you see no other choice to cope other than to cut, whether it be people in your life, the friends you hang out with clearly they are not having a good influence on your emotions if you are cutting and so rather focus on the people who promote positively!! if you have a close friend or family member who is supportive of you recovering from the urge to cut yourself then speak to them and when ever you feel the urge to cut or act out in any other destructive way call this person and maybe go see a movie, go for coffee, go for a walk or just talk- whatever you want, just keep yourself busy so you can get your mind off of wanting to cut..

  • Miss Lonely Teacher
    13 years ago

    Heheh ^_^ thanx to you all for the suggestions! the truth is, i'm just a royally screwed and screwed up person though, don't worry about it.
    i may not be back on for a few days or a week so, till then!

  • Shellaine shelli
    13 years ago

    Don't put yourself down like that!! absolutely NO one is perfect and we all have those bad habbits which we use as a means to cope with life when we don't know any other way but just know you're not alone!!

    this is a quote from my role model- marilyn monroe and i think you might like it:)
    [I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together]

  • EchosLastSong
    12 years ago

    Do you like animals at all? When I have a bad day, I like to go to the stables and see my horse. She always puts me in a better mood. ^.^ You could go to the animal shelter or a local stable and volunteer, they're always looking for help.