
  • SunnyD95
    12 years ago

    Love, what's the point? I mean does it even matter and does true love still exist?

  • Jenni
    12 years ago

    I think it is part of humans nature. We tend to look for companion, something that's more than a simple 'Hello' and 'Goodbye'. So while we're in company and get to know oneanother better we start to feel something for them.

    Are you asking whether love matters or its point?

    I'm convinced true love still exists, it's just tough to find. Nowadays people seem to be looking for a lot and got tons of conditions, yet they are barely willing to give something in return. Those who do will be rewarded for it in the end though. Even if you experience bad things you should not blame it on love or give up believing in it. I've often heard that love hurts, though i don't think it's love that hurts. I rather think that rejection, loneliness or losing someone for example hurts, these could be part of love but they're not. To me love is the only thing that covers up all the pain.
    Hope that helps

  • Dark Secrets
    12 years ago

    Human beings are social creatures, in fact all living beings are social (even plants). We need each other to live and develop, we need each other to change to the best, we need each other in order for life to go on. If everyone lived on their own there will be something missing; a person as a being can't do everything on their own. In order for you to live you need food, shelter and air, and these are provided by living together as a community; each person has a role in life and that helps the other live. This is the base for life, we need each other.

    After that I can tell you that since we live together and can't live alone in isolation, we need to have good relationships for everything to work as effectively as possible. These relationships include love. Love cannot be defined; it is too complicated to be defined. It is something instinctive and it starts from the very simple love of a mother and her child. You ask why do we need it? Is it that important? and I say yes, it is the base to life for us to live together and that would be unbearable without love. Love motivates us to do good and contribute positively to society, it helps us do what we do everyday.

    These days, love is underrated; peoples minds go to romantic relationships when the word is mentioned and they give up easily on it, it is used too frequently and sometimes people use it as a substitute to liking or admiring someone. Love is unconditional; it doesn't change with time and place, it doesn't change when people change, it doesn't have materialistic reasons like beauty and money. Love is an instinctive feeling of belonging and familiarity, of happiness and comfort, of immortality. When you think of love, think of a mothers love and you'll understand.

  • SunnyD95
    12 years ago

    Thanks, it does help some. And I'm asking for both about love, its point and if it still matters. But Lately I just feel like giving up. I've been told that I just have to wait for the right person. But I don't know if true love really exists anymore.
    I mean you can give someone everything, your heart, soul, mind and most of all your love. But sometimes it still isn't enough and the person that's suppose to be the one just walks away.
    It's very hard for me to open myself up to someone special becuase I'm afraid. I'm afraid that if I fall no one will catch me.

  • SunnyD95
    12 years ago

    I agree with part of your message. But the love that we have for our family and friends is different than the love that we have for someone special, boyfriend or girlfriend. And even though a mother's love will replace all the tears and pain sometimes it isn't enough.
    Sometimes we need more than a mother's love. We want more, we may sometimes seek the love of someone who makes us feel special inside or just someone that we truly adore.

  • anjielblue
    12 years ago

    I can only say that TRUE LOVE still exist -especially when it comes to a relationship with someone special.i say this because it's true. you will realize it only when you experience being love.

  • Liquid Grace
    12 years ago

    Love is what you make it, its very meaning and significance is up to you to define. No one can convince you that it does or does not exist. Just as no one can tell you if it matters. To me it does, to others it may not. Such things can only be proven through your own experience.

    For me love exists and it is a wonderful thing. I hope with time you come to find it as well. But as I said no one can convince a broken or a locked heart that it exists.

    You're 16 I believe that you have a lot of time to find love. If you were 90 and still had yet to find love, you could then certainly question if 'love' exists. But at 16, there is far to much life to live, adventures and paths not yet taken.

    "A life without love is no life at all"

  • Dark Secrets
    12 years ago

    Sunny... It's true one type of love is different from another, and one type of love is not enough, because there is the feeling of a missing tooth there. However, you can help one type of love become enough, by letting it embrace and overcome your feelings. If you focus on your family's love, or your friends love and on developing those relationships, you wouldn't feel bad about not having the other type.

    Romantic love is the hardest thing to find in love, some never find it (I mean the true, everlasting, fairytale love) and some don't mind being single. There are people who have a passion for a hobby that dominates their lives and they are happy with it. I have a 70+ professor in uni who's happy with her life as a scholar and is constantly learning and has a huge passion for books and reading. Romantic love matters only if you make it matter. Usually it comes your way when you aren't looking.

  • BlueJay
    12 years ago

    I have a few things to say. Firstly, if true love existed once, then it must still exist. Second really love has no true explanation or meaning, it is truly indescribable. Thirdly, each different type of love is going to take a different opinion and it's own search. Everyone is going to want a type of love and a different experience. And not everyone will believe in love or really care for it.

  • StormyStar
    12 years ago

    Love is real, its amazing, but personaly i hate it; and i wouldt suggest you waste time "searching" for it because i believe in fate; if it is ment to be, it will come eventually.

    but then again that quote "its better to have loved, than to never love at all" that person had to have been off his/her meds, because if your a strong person, it makes you weak, if your a happy person it makes you sad, because loves not a fairytale; it could end and when it does, yer truely left with nothing.

    butt then again, while you have it enjoy it, because its the best feeling anyone could ever give you, to have a person to wake up beside, or to hold your hand, most people take it for granted, you dont know what you have until its gone.

    i wish i was never in love, even if he comes back, bc i know how strong i build myself up now, when he comes back, my walls i worked so hard to build will crumble just by seeing him.

    so personaly i hate it, but yea it still exists.

    chivalry is dead tho, not love.

  • Liquid Grace
    12 years ago

    "that person had to have been off his/her meds, because if your a strong person, it makes you weak, if your a happy person it makes you sad, because loves not a fairytale; it could end and when it does, yer truely left with nothing."

    That's a matter of opinion. Being in love opens doors to emotions that I feel everyone should feel. IMHO love is worth it. Again life without love is no life at all. All that's left is bitterness, hate, anger and overall a horrible disposition. People like that end up living life alone and when they're older they poison younger minds making them think there's nothing good that life has to offer.

    I also think you're mistaking love for something else. Sometimes women or men will need to be in a relationship to feel 'validated' when they aren't in one they feel as you have described. We fall as hard as we allow ourselves to fall. If you put all your eggs into one basket and unhealthily make one person your world, sure you're left with nothing. Being in love also means to be in a healthy relationship. I ensure to see my friends and family often. While my husband is my rock he is not my world. If anything were to ever happen where we weren't together sure it'd hurt but I'm a strong independent women, I know I'll make it through.

    I was a hard person most of my life and that left me very VERY bitter. I didn't know the meaning of love, shied away from a simple notion of affection (such as hugs). Love was very foreign to me and with that I was very alone.

    If you build a wall of course it'll eventually have to come done. Don't build walls learn to deal with emotions. Building walls block emotions and isn't effective because you don't ever end up dealing with whatever issues you may have. Learning to deal with heartache, upset and other things in life that won't go right helps you grow and learn to MANAGE the sadness. Also helps you realize that no matter what happens you'll be ok. It's ok to be sad but to feel like you're left with nothing shouldn't be what happens. Unless as I said you made this person your one and only world.

    Love is a great thing sure it sucks when break ups happen or even divorce. But no one can say that in the moment when things are good that it wasn't an amazing euphoric feeling. But I guess that's just my opinion though and not a matter of fact. We may feel how we do about love each individual person chooses what to do with that love, be it with a partner, family and friends. Love overall is a great thing and love doesn't just have to be a romantic love.

    Perhaps the greatest and most rewarding love of all is the love that you have for yourself. If you have no love for yourself how can you truly love others?

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    12 years ago

    I think it is...But you know sometimes it takes being shattered and hurt a few times before you find the real meaning of it...