• Decayed
    12 years ago

    Paulo Coelho WASN'T, to me, a novelist worth of reading his work..

    Too many people love his "The Alchemist" and "Eleven Minutes", but I didn't.. I found them not so WOW.. because I think that translated work always lose something, you know!..
    And I always said there are better novelists whose work aren't well-know!

    now, I started with VERONIKA DECIDES TO DIE.. The title isn't this captivating.. But GOD MY OH, what a NOVEL..

    I can relate to it through many aspects..
    There are so many things that we know deep within, but we don't talk about maybe because of fear or not knowing how to express them (as inferred from reading it)..

    And PAULO COELHO, in my opinion, was talking to me thru all the characters of this story (Veronika, D. Igor, Mari, Zedka, Eduard...) ..

    I think it's a MASTERPIECE though it's not new!

    I advise you, if you haven't read it yet, to read it!
    It's AWESOME! :D

  • sibyllene
    12 years ago

    Might be worth checking out. I'm ambivalent on Coelho. I remember loving "The Alchemist" when I read it a few years ago, but then I just read "The Devil and Miss Prym" and was a bit underwhelmed. Maybe I should read this, to act as a tiebreaker!

  • Decayed
    12 years ago

    ^ I advise you ;)