Idea For This Site

  • PoetryKnight
    12 years ago

    I know its called poems-and quotes, but I think they should add a seperate catagory, Stories. I know those of you who write poetry, have a billion ideas for stories, so i want to know what people have on there mind for this idea, and see if we can get this isea to come to life.

  • Italian Stallion
    12 years ago

    This has been discussed many times, do a search for it.

    *Mods, please either lock this or move it to the Feedback and suggestions forum. Thanks.

  • BlueJay
    12 years ago

    That is a wonderful idea. I think a lot of people would like that, and yeah I'm included. That would be awesome.

  • Britt
    12 years ago

    I'm not quite sure why we have members telling the mods what to do with threads, it should be up to the mods to decide it, not everyone else.

    OP: I think it's a good idea as well, though when you post a story you can put it in the right category (say life) and then put (Story) in your title so people have an idea before they open it :)

  • Tara Kay
    12 years ago

    Britt, Italion Stallion was a mod, i'm sure they take his ideas into consideration, he knows what he is talking about, should be in another forum category

  • Britt
    12 years ago

    I understand as I was a mod as well. However perhaps we should let the mods do their jobs and if its a thread that is against the rules or hurting the site, attention via PM to a mod makes more sense.

  • Tara Kay
    12 years ago

    You have a point, I guess, although i have noticed that your old account is suspended yet still listed as a mod, as so is Italion Stallion (Joe) and another is also suspended so i guess an update on who are actually mods needs to come
    Sorry for the confusion

  • Britt
    12 years ago

    Unfortunately only Janis can update that list. My old account I had deleted, in majority so people wouldn't think I was still a mod and ask me to do things I can't do for em now lol

  • Sherry Lynn
    12 years ago

    It has been discussed in the past about adding stories, but for some reason the admin chose not to.

    As for now I will leave this thread here. It is causing no harm at this time.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    12 years ago

    If Janis ever considers opening up the site to stories, a good healthy discussion might prevent problems.

  • sibyllene
    12 years ago

    Personally, I wouldn't see a problem with people posting short stories under poem categories on their account. Just in the meantime, like. Just more literary arts to practice and share!

  • BlueJay
    12 years ago

    I know that mods can do a lot, but not everything, though I was curious. how many current or past mods like this idea? I know this isnt my thread either but I am so curious and it does fall under the topic.

  • silvershoes
    12 years ago

    The restrictions for what a poem is are so debatable that I think you could post a short story in the poetry section and get away with it ;) I've done it!

  • Italian Stallion
    12 years ago

    Theoretically speaking, prose (which many members have already posted on this site) can be a short story. So technically, we (the site) already allows stories.

  • Sherry Lynn
    12 years ago

    I like the idea of allowing short stories to be honest.

  • Narphangu
    12 years ago

    I think it's a neat idea, though I think there could be some confusion come judging... For instance, would there be seperate winners for stories and for poetry? Honestly, I don't think you can compare the two.

    Be wary, though... I'd hate to see this site turn into fictionpress, but then, I've never been an advocate for change.

  • sibyllene
    12 years ago

    I think we'd want to just stick with poetry, as far as the weekly contests go. At this point, without access to code, that's all that we have space for anyway. And if you did allow stories, you'd probably want to have an extra three spots for them, instead of mixing them with poems, etc. Comma comma comma.

    But if people want to individually post the occasional story on their page, cool.