Will anyone write a poem for me about....

  • Hot_Trav_lover
    19 years ago

    will anyone write a poem for me about friendship and how you charish it right now please?

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Take Distant's advice :o)
    Have a look through the friendship/best friends poetry section something will surely apply to you
    Goodluck Eirisa xoxo

  • losing_everything
    19 years ago

    i can write a poem for u. i' realy good at taking some easls feeling and put in a poem but u would not know that because i have not put any on this web sight

  • Anne Conner
    19 years ago

    I wrote a poem called "To my best freind #1." Not to be confused with it's sequel "To My Best Freind #2"

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    i have a friendship poem that you might like but i always want my name on it so if your'e going to put your name on it instead you can forget it, but if you keep my name on it use it as you wish. it's called "Don't Tell Me" PLP and i for a few others but i think thats one of the best friendship ones

    ~lil slam~