
  • Baby Rainbow
    11 years ago

    What is the best dream you have had?
    What is the worst dream you have had?

  • Aaron
    11 years ago

    Honestly, the best was that I become a Pokemon Master.

    Worst was I was an actor in the Twilight Saga

  • Jenna Bella Oldridge
    11 years ago

    "Worst was I was an actor in the Twilight Saga" Lmao thats very random.

    Wost dream I had was that this statue came to life and tried to suffocate me with a coat. I know it may not sound that scarey but the statue was of a dead relavtive and the dream felt so real that I woke up gasping for breath.

    Best dream I've had............... This is a hard one as I have had many dreams that I have enjoyed but I will go for my most recent dream that I liked. I had a dream I gave birth to tripplets. I woke up and I actually felt so happy as in real life I really want a baby but I have to get my health in check before me and the boyfriend can start trying. Still the dream made me happy and excited about the future and had a positive effect on me as its strengthend my will to sort my health out.

  • Aaron
    11 years ago

    I can't help what I dream sometimes haha. But yeah it was horrible, just like the movies.

    Lol, your worst dream sounds like a Doctor Who scenario.

  • Xionide
    11 years ago

    I don't usually remember my dreams

  • sibyllene
    11 years ago

    I like dreams where I figure out how to fly, or where I get to meet up with my fellow. Some dreams feel epic and adventurous, and I wake up feeling entertained. My worst can be disturbing and I won't put a downer on this thread by writing about them : ]

  • Kevin
    11 years ago

    I don't have nightmares anymore, though as a child I had rather terrifying ones. They kept repeating too til I learned how to, sort of control my dreams. I used to be able to jump up in the air (in my dream) curl into a ball and sort of...tense. When i landed again the dream would be different and from that time I've always been semi conscious and able to influence my dreams in a waking way.

    The best dreams are the ones I wake up laughing from.

    The worst dreams are the ones where I dream about things in my real life I haven't paid attention too.

    When you can't get a break from your problems even when you sleep...that is not fun!

  • sibyllene
    11 years ago

    "I don't have nightmares anymore, though as a child I had rather terrifying ones. They kept repeating too til I learned how to, sort of control my dreams. I used to be able to jump up in the air (in my dream) curl into a ball and sort of...tense. When i landed again the dream would be different and from that time I've always been semi conscious and able to influence my dreams in a waking way."

    That's interesting, that there was a "physical" action that you took to change the tone of your dreams.

    Generally, I'm at least partially aware that I'm dreaming, and if the dream is too bad, I can usually realize it and wake myself up.