Wisconsin Poets

  • Jacki
    19 years ago


    Shows you when poetry readings are and when they will be held. Incase any of you are intrested: Of course this is for the Madison area....

    3/18, Friday; 9 pm: Urban Spoken Word Poetry Slam, $5 cover. Virginia poet 13 of Nazareth will be the featured poet. Madison's Fabu and John Grambling will read as well. Café Montmartre's Side Car, 127 E. Mifflin St. Event Phone: 255-5900.

    3/19, Saturday, 7 pm: Duluth, MN poet, Louis Jenkins, author of Sea Smoke, The Winter Road, Just Above Water, Nice Fish, and other books of prose poems, reads. See his poem “Violence On Television” at newsfromnowhere.com/violenceontv.html, and more at newsfromnowhere.com/louisjenkins1.html. Avols' Bookstore, 255-4730, 315 W. Gorham St.

    3/20, Sunday, 7 pm: Richard Roe and Robert Schuler read, followed by open mike at Barnes & Noble West, Mineral Pt. Rd. behind West Towne. Sponsored by the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets and organized by Richard Roe, 831-8947.


    4/2, Saturday, 7 pm: Lisa Marie Brodsky reads her poetry on Higher Ground, WPR, 87.9 FM.

    4/3, Sunday, 1:30 pm: Laurel Youke reads from her new poetry book Waiting For Beethoven (Marsh River Editions 2005). Avols' Bookstore, 255-4730, 315 W. Gorham St.