Jokes jokes jokes jokes ...

  • miaowmolly
    19 years ago

    This is a joke....

  • Bogie
    19 years ago

    What do you call a guy
    with no arms or legs at
    your door?
    What do you call him
    On the wall?
    What do you call him
    in the water?
    What do you call a Cow
    with no legs?
    Ground beef
    What do you call a Dog
    with no legs?
    You don’t he won't come anyway

  • Bogie
    19 years ago

    What’s the difference between a
    Harley and a Hoover?

    Were you place the dirt bag.

  • Georgi
    19 years ago

    ok heres a joke

    two men, bill and jim, were sitting on a park bench. jim says, "do u think they play football in heaven bill?" and bill says "i dont know, i hope so, lets make a pact, whoever dies first, has to come back and tell the other one if they play football up there or not"
    jim says "deal"

    anyway the next week jim passes away :( and bill waits for him every day on that same park bench waiting for him to come down from heaven.

    one day he heard something "biiiillll" ses the voice


    bill says "jim? is that you?"

    "yeh it is! i have summit to tell you! the good news is, yes, they DO play football up here. the bad news is, your playing next saturday"

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA thort tht was hilarious i always peed myself laughing xxxxxxxxx

  • dollfacex
    19 years ago

    ok umm.....

    there was a new kid at school his name was butt itches the teacher asked him to tell her his name he said "butt itches" she said NO tell me your name he said "butt itches" she said tell me ur name or i am gonna send u to the principal so he says "butt itches" well he goes to the pricipal he asks whats ur name "butt itches" he goes tell me ur name son "butt itches" tell me ur name or im gonna send u home "butt itches" so he sends him home. on his way home he see's 3 guys in a truck they ask him what his name is he says "butt itches " they say tell me ur name boy "butt itches" tell me ur name son or im gonna shoot ya! "butt itches" well they shoot him and at his funeral his mother looks at him and crys "OH my poop butt itches and theee guys in the back go "well scratch it!!


    3 boyz were rideing there bike there names were shut-up , manners and poop well poop fell off his bike and hurt him self so shut up went to go get help! the police officer asked him what his name was he said "shut-up" whats ya name boy he asked again "shut-up" he replied the police officer asked wheres ur manners back there pickin up poop!! LOL


    there were 3 guys! (forgin) they didnt speak english well one of them went to work at a restturant and learned how to say "fork-and-knife" fork-and-knife" and he got fired! well the next man went to work at a choir school and learned how to say "me-me-me-me" and he got fired well the last guy worked at a store and learned how to say "plug-it-in" "plug-it-in" well they were at a shooting and got asked question's the man asked them who killed this man the guy who worked at the choir school says "me-me-me-me" the man asked how did u do it the man from the resttruant says "fork-and-knife" "fork-and-knife" the police officer goes well i guess we have to put u guys in the electric chair then man from the stor goes "plug-it-in" "plug-it-in"

    i got more if ya want more!!

  • chavii
    19 years ago

    while going thru a website a came across this joke its really funny so thought 2 share wid u ppl.


    HARD-DISK Girls:
    She remembers everything, FOREVER.

    RAM Girls:
    She forgets about you, the moment you turn her off.

    WINDOWS Girls:
    Everyone knows that she can't do a thing right, but no one can live
    without her.

    She is good for nothing but at least she is fun!

    INTERNET Girls:
    Difficult to access.

    SERVER Girls:
    Always busy when you need her.

    She makes horrible things look beautiful.

    CD-ROM Girls:
    She is always faster and faster.

    E-MAIL Girls:
    Every ten things she says, eight are nonsense.

    VIRUS Girls:
    Also known as "WIFE"; when you are not expecting her, she
    comes, installs herself and uses all your resources. If you try to
    uninstall her you will lose something, if you don't try to uninstall
    her you will lose everything..



  • R F
    18 years ago

    wow cool jokes..really had good time

  • R F
    18 years ago

    Thanks lol