favorite type of poem.

  • brittney paden
    19 years ago

    i just want to know what kinds of poems everyone likes. cause i want to write a whole bunch of poems and all but i wouldnt mind writting about some topics you guys like. like with me i love all sorts of poems.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Any unique poem
    Topics don't bother me as long as its an original and captivating piece :o)

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Eirisa is right, but if this more of a question to find out what the most POPULAR poems are on the site, here ya go:

    Comedic poems- They dont recieve much acclaim.

    Love poems- There are far too many on the site to really get recognition for writing great love poems. EVERYONE writes them.

    Dark poems- Dark poems can be very good, especially if you get deep poems that make people think. There are many readers on this site who can appreciate a good dark poem. Just keep the cutting poems to a minimum ;)

    Misc. poems- It's easy to get your poems to the top 5 list in this category.

    Slang poems- The "serious" readers who give good critiques are less likely to find your work in that section, because some of us know how to spell.

    Life & society poems- Including religious poems. A lot of people have appreciation for this category, and some great poems have emerged from its depths. There are also lots of poets who try too hard to be deep and profound here.

    Explicit- This is the category that it's easiest to gain acclaim and votes in (in my opinion). If you write decent poetry, you can get TONS of votes on them and there isnt too much competition, well, there didnt used to be, but now there is more. If you write rape poems, as sick as this is, you can get tons of votes and comments on them, and the eroticas get lots of attention too, but these poems can never win the awards or get to the top 5 of the whole site because of their langauge and vulgarity.

    Nature poems- Hardly anyone writes them, and they dont get much attention.

  • katie!
    19 years ago

    Ratings do not matter, have you ever been raped... Why not feel sorry for someone who was raped... If you write for ratings on this site you shouldnt write at all

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I was talking about the ones on this site only.

    Obviously every type of poetry has its demographic and recieves adequate acclaim, but P&Q people dont tend to respond hugely to them.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I never said anyone wrote for ratings, I simply stated a fact.

    I have written a couple of rape poems, and I wrote them for my friends who have been raped. They asked me to write for them because they couldnt put the feelings into words like I could.

    I simply noticed a pattern that rape poems get a lot of votes and comments, sick, sad, or wrong, it is fact.

  • brittney paden
    19 years ago

    hahahahaha lol that might be true for all we know.