anyone else?

  • Nicholle
    19 years ago

    Yes, me

  • Pianist
    19 years ago

    When you sit on any page of Poems-and-quotes for too long, the site will log you out automatically.

    My advice is to type your poems in word perfect, then copy and paste the work on your submitting page. This way you avoid all chances of losing anything.

    Or you could just bring up two P&Q pages and make sure you are still logged on before submitting.

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    What I do is, while writing the poem, I constantly select all the text, and copy.

    Ctrl + A, then
    Ctrl + C

    That way, if it DOES log me out, I just log back in, put my cursor in the text field, and hit:

    Ctrl + V

    There you go.

    ~Ciao Lipton