How far is too far?

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    OK. Here's the reverse argument.

    My friend got date raped by a man and took him to trial. This was the same man who was convicted of flashing his penis and rubbing it against women on a public transportation system we have in Portland called the Max train. He did this on many occasions, and you would think that this would be an important factor in a rape case, however the information was seen as a violation of privacy and the jury was never allowed to hear that evidence. Everytime that his record was brought up the jury was asked to leave the courtroom.

    I believe that peoples records have huge influence over their future behavior, and I find them totally relevent.

    I think that juries, lawyers, and judges should have access to every nook and cranny of your past. If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear, I also think that the public does NOT have every right to invade someones privacy.

    The public doesnt need an explination like that, but at the same time if it was a public school bus it is "iffy," I dont think that information should have been published in the papers, however, I find it irrelevent.

    People are just nosy. If they found the driver to be on crack though, that may be good public information. We dont need superflous detail about this stuff.

  • Casval
    19 years ago

    How far is too far?

    387,912,688,345,740,831,657.3329 Lightyears...

    That is too far.

  • Barbara Jean
    19 years ago

    far is to far

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago


    I just edited my post for after reading Kaitlin's I realized she discussed everything I did and then some, so why hear it twice

    Soooo, yea. I definitely think the rights of privacy are hardly relevant or even owned to the accused when they have committed such a horrendous crime in the whole event, so why justify?

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    What about my rape example?