Any gamers out there?

  • Casval
    19 years ago

    This is the third forum I have joined, and this is a big change from the last two. The other two are pretty much Video Game forums, because, well, I am a gamer.

    So I thought: "I wonder if there are any gamers in here?" Thus my creation of this topic...

    So, anyone out there a die-hard video game fan, or just plain gamer, and wants the whole world to know it? (Or at least the people in the world that will read this topic...)

    I, for one, am a hardcore gamer, and proud to say it. My collection of games has filled half of my closet, and my system count is over 20. Please note, I am not spoiled, I have a odd thing teenagers rarely get: A job.

    So, if any of you are gamers, and want to join my favorite gaming meets music forum, here's the official site:


  • Casval
    19 years ago

    I perfer talking about games...I was just saying, that's where I have come from...I left there to come here, because this site is appealing...

    If you don't know what to talk abotu, let me just throw out the most generic gaming question...

    What is your favorite game and why?

  • Casval
    19 years ago

    I guess I could always say what games I like...

    To be honost, I like a lot of games, and it's hard for me to choose a single favorite...But I do have one.

    1. Metal Gear Solid series (PS2, GCN, PS1)
    2. Final Fantasy series (NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, GBA)
    3. Metroid Series (NES, SNES, GB, GBA, GCN)
    4. Zleda series (All Nintendo systems)
    5. Almost every Gundam game... (PS1, PS2, GBA, SNES, NES, DC)
    6. Ape Escape (PS1)
    7. Super Smash Brothers Melee (GCN)
    8. God of War (PS2)
    9. Skies of Arcadia: Legends (GCN)

    As for my all-time favorite game...

    Final Fantasy VII (PS1)