
  • ~*Ley*~
    18 years ago

    I think it's gross.....

  • Stacey
    18 years ago

    that is disgusting my kitten got brain damage and couldn't move and couldn't use the toilet at all until my kitten got put down. ALL U LOSERS SHOULD THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    Sounds more like you're the loser 'cause you call people losers for having a bit of fun...gosh.

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    omg stacey thats REALI pathetic!!!! So you're sayin that no one can laugh at their untrained kitten becuase YOURS got brain damage? riiight.

  • t i f f a n y ♥
    18 years ago

    I agree with Kim!!

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    Lol gdgd Tiffany :D

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    half the topics in here are immature ... just a thought.

  • Stacey
    18 years ago

    well its the same as laughig at a disabled person because they most of the time can' t do things for themselves.

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    Well not really stacey, all untrained animals go to the toilet everywhere, thats like saying hehehehehe my baby cant walk yet and keeps falling over everywhere awwwww! and someone saying OMG my baby was brain damaged and couldnt even stand up so you should watch what you say. I dont think so.